Blackstone News & Insights

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Jon Gray’s Outlook for Real Estate

Blackstone President Jon Gray discusses the real estate recovery and the benefits of investing before the all-clear sign.


What Do New Shoes Have to Do With Warehouse Space?

With more people ordering shoes online, we connected the e-commerce revolution with warehouse demand to become the world’s largest private investor in logistics. For nearly 40 years, we’ve been investing across market cycles using our scale and data to deliver results.


Blackstone vs. BlackRock: The Greatest Wall Street Frenemy Story Ever Told


Kathleen McCarthy on the Real Estate Recovery


Nadeem Meghji on Blackstone’s Top Real Estate Bets


Our Approach to Rental Housing


Update from Jon Gray: A New Cycle for Real Estate


Update from Jon Gray: Capturing Opportunity as Markets Recover

The materials above reflect the views of Blackstone Inc. (“Blackstone”) as of the date appearing in the materials. The words “we”, “us” and “our” in the materials refer to Blackstone, unless the context requires otherwise. The real estate group of Blackstone, Blackstone Real Estate, is BREIT’s sponsor and an affiliate of BX REIT Advisors L.L.C, BREIT’s adviser. An investment in BREIT is not an investment in BREIT’s sponsor or Blackstone as BREIT is a separate and distinct legal entity. The materials are provided for informational purposes only, and under no circumstances may any information contained in the materials be construed as investment advice or an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to purchase (or any marketing in connection thereof) any interest in any investment vehicles managed by Blackstone or its affiliates. Please note that Blackstone Real Estate manages various vehicles with generally distinct investment strategies, and certain market insights included in the materials may not be relevant to BREIT and should not be interpreted as the view of BREIT or as an indication of BREIT’s future positioning. The positioning of Blackstone’s global real estate portfolio is different from BREIT’s portfolio positioning, and certain investment examples described in the materials are owned by other vehicles managed by Blackstone Real Estate and by certain other third-party equity partners, and not BREIT.

  1. Awarded by Money Management Institute (“MMI”) /Barron’s on October 17, 2024, for the period dated June 2023 – June 2024. The award described above may not be representative of any one client’s experience with Blackstone, and past performance does not predict future returns. The award herein was provided by MMI, an industry association representing financial services firms that provide financial advice and investment advisory solutions to investors, and Barron’s, a publication that reports on investing and the financial sector. Per MMI, the awards recognize companies that demonstrate leadership in advancing advisory solutions for investors and financial advisors. The criteria for awards provided by MMI/Barron’s including the award shown above may be based on subjective criteria, and are not intended to be, nor should they be construed as or relied upon as, any indication of future performance or other future activity. In addition, their selection to receive the awards and/or their rankings may have been based on a limited universe of participants, and therefore there can be no assurance that a different sampling of participants might not have achieved different results.

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